How much money does Disneyland make a day?

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Have you ever wondered what amount Disneyland earns in a day? Or how much money does Disneyland make a day?

If you’ve experienced this, you’re not alone. Tens of millions of guests visit the theme parks, resorts, and Disney every year, providing a fantastic source of income to the Walt Disney Company.

We’ll show you a glimpse into how much money Disneyland make a day.

We’ll look at the costs of operating the theme resorts and parks, how much they earn through ticket sales throughout the year, as well as other sources of income for Disneyland.

So wear your seat belts and prepare for a thrilling ride through Disney’s world. Disney financials in this blog article!

How much money does Disneyland make a day?

Disneyland generates about $11.9 million daily on average. However, operating Disneyland every day costs an average of around $2.5 million. The daily profits after expenses is $9.4 million. This is a huge amount of money in just one day.

Although Disneyland earns a significant amount of money each day, it is believed that the most lucrative Disney attraction is Disney World, which earns around $18 million per day. The operating costs will likely be greater for the bigger park, but it is still a staggering amount of money you can earn within a single day. Disney’s resorts and parks had more than 157 million guests that year. In 2019 alone, Disney’s resorts and parks earned an astounding $20.2 billion in income. According to the statistics,

Where Does Disneyland Make Its Money?

Understanding how they earn their cash is beneficial before we get into the sum Disneyland earns daily. Two theme parks comprise Disneyland. The earnings of both theme parks can contribute to their total profits.

In the majority of cases, Disneyland will earn money from admission fees. With millions of guests visiting the park annually, their expensive admission tickets account for most of their revenue. Other areas in which Disneyland generates revenue are staying at their resorts and parking fees, gifts from shops, food and beverages, and additional park additions such as fast passes.

Disneyland has an estimated parking capacity of 85,000 guests. While they don’t visit the parks to their full capacity each day, more than 27,000 people visit Disneyland daily. Considering an adult’s price for a day ticket multiplied by 27,000, it is more than 2 million dollars a day.

It is important to remember that many ticket prices are also available for kids under ten. However, the price difference isn’t that significant. Additionally, the two million dollars per day of admission to parks is what they could make since the park’s capacity is 85,000.


Of course, the daily projection numbers will differ based on the number of visitors entering the park on any given day and the amount they pay in the collective.

The ticket sales alone generate an average of $20 million daily. Even when operating costs are considered, Disneyland still substantially brings in each day. Disney theme parks can be enjoyed throughout the year in certain areas, which amounts to around $18 billion in annual revenues for Disneyland in the United States alone! Disneyland ticket sales are different based on the time of year. The park’s average daily ticket revenue is $11-$20 million. This excludes tickets from Walt Disney World, like Magic Kingdom or Disney Cruise Line.

Disneyland ticket sales greatly contribute to the profits because a ticket on just one day can range between $109 and 200 dollars. The number of visitors to the park can be more than 50,000 every day. The amount generated yearly from ticket sales is contingent on the number of attendees. This includes tourists and locals thronging to the parks in California and Florida.


The park also draws lots of interest from sponsors and advertisers. Disneyland has agreements with various businesses, including Coca-Cola, Verizon, and McDonald’s. These partnerships generate significant revenues that the park can use, which can help reduce some of the operating expenses.


Disney also earns profits from its merchandise, such as keychains, clothing and other items, and drinks and food items purchased from numerous cafes and restaurants.

Food and other merchandise sales typically add an additional $20 million each day. The park provides a diverse selection of hats, t-shirts, toys, and many others. It’s easy to see that their annual profits are soaring!

Disneyland’s Annual Earnings

Statista: Revenue of the Walt Disney Company in the fiscal year 2023, by operating segment(in billion U.S. dollars)

We know it costs over $2.5 million to keep Disneyland open; we can begin looking at their annual profits to reduce that figure further into the amount they earn daily.

The best way to accomplish this is by looking at the Walt Disney Company annual report overview. According to their annual report, The Walt Disney Company made $26.2 billion in its fiscal year. Naturally, the figure is based on all of their theme parks, and we’ll have to break it further down.

When you consider $26.2 billion and then divide that equally among all the theme parks, it’s approximately $4.36 billion for each theme park per year. Be aware that this is just a generalization. Certain parks could make slightly more than others; however, it’s a good way to estimate each park’s annual earnings.

Disneyland’s Daily Profit

Let’s get to the fun part. Let’s take $4.36 billion and multiply it by 365 to figure out the amount Disneyland makes each day! Although Disneyland isn’t open all days of the year, this simplifies things and remains close to the exact number.

After this simple mathematical equation, we can conclude that Disneyland earns $11,963,470.31 daily! Of course, this is before you consider all the expenses it costs to run the park daily, but with the removal of $2.5 million of $11,963,470.31, the park still earns $9,463,470.31 daily.

The Final Point

The Walt Disney Company is one of the top-performing companies in the world. With the number of park admissions and hotel guests purchasing meals, drinks, and other products, they make billions of dollars each year. They earn lots of money but also shell out billions to ensure they have the most enjoyable guest experience.

Disneyland is a thriving park that is profitable. Although it is estimated to cost $2.5 million to run the park daily, they still make an average of $9 million daily when you consider everything they need to keep the lights on.

From tickets, food items, or any other source, Disney parks can earn substantial and consistent income, resulting in a total income of millions each day.

Disney is a formidable company and one of the most well-known amusement park companies.

But operating such a huge theme park as Disneyland isn’t without its costs. Costs for labor, electricity maintenance, and other aspects are a major part of the park’s everyday expenses.

Despite these costs, Disneyland remains a popular attraction for visitors worldwide and is a symbol of magic and wonder for people of all ages.

With its huge capital, quality attractions, and a variety of innovative methods of marketing, it’s hard to imagine someone who can do the same thing that Disney does the way they do.

It’s no wonder Disney parks earn some estimates of several billion dollars in revenues.