How to use clickfunnels for affiliate marketing?

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Written By MarketInsider X

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There are a myriad of ways you can earn money online. Becoming an affiliate marketer is just one of the best options.But, becoming an affiliate marketer can have its ups and downs, particularly because different tools are available to increase effectiveness. Let’s explore How To Use Clickfunnels For Affiliate Marketing!

If you’re looking for an effective tool to generate online sales and build websites with high conversion rates, ClickFunnels is an excellent choice. However, for someone new to the world, the tool can be overwhelming initially.

In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to utilize ClickFunnels to promote affiliate marketing. We will also explain how to generate revenue through “affiliate funnels”.

What Are ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is a great platform for studying and understanding if you’re looking to start making money online via affiliate marketing or sales of products. The company boasts over $100 million in revenue, as well as about 60,000 customers who are using its software services.

Source: Clickfunnels

A tool, ClickFunnels, can help marketers and businesses automate their sales process to manage every stage of the buying journey for each client. The platform allows you to build websites such as landing pages, opt-in pages, squeeze pages, and webinars, among many other things.

Together, these elements are called sales funnels. They comprise the procedures that prospective buyers must traverse to be able to purchase. That’s why ClickFunnels can be a single source for all online marketing services.

It provides website hosting, content management, web analytics, autoresponders for emails, online shopping carts, page construction, and additional marketing tools.

Furthermore, each of the ClickFunnels tools comes with a vast collection of templates that can be customized, which allows you to create sales funnels quickly and easily.

How Does ClickFunnels Work?

In contrast to other traditional advertising tools, ClickFunnels doesn’t require users to have a vast understanding of the technical aspects of programming.

The sales funnels for converting potential buyers into visitors in just a couple of steps:

Once you’ve set them up, you can use your platform to reach out to potential customers and convert them into customers.

With ClickFunnels, you can monitor the look of each page that is built within each funnel you create. In addition, it lets you make payments for every sale your funnel makes.

How Does an Affiliate Funnel Work?

With ClickFunnels, it is optional to design entire sales funnels, including all tools that create awareness for prospects, curiosity, customer decision-making, and purchasing. You can instead earn by creating an affiliate funnel. This could be a tiny component of the sales funnel.

Using an affiliate funnel, it is possible to integrate the psychology of buyers, create trust and loyalty, and provide value over time or upsell items and services.

If you have set it properly, ClickFunnels will help you make commissions for each purchase routed via your funnels.

What’s the process to Set Up a ClickFunnels Account?

To benefit from the useful tools offered by ClickFunnel, you need to sign up for a ClickFunnels login.

Source: Clickfunnels

As with other online marketing tools, ClickFunnel offers its services at a cost, so you must study it before you use it. For your convenience, ClickFunnels provides a free 14-day trial to familiarize yourself with the system before you begin to purchase the service.

The steps are as follows:

Visit The Website

Go to When you visit the website, you’ll find details on sales funnels as well as an inventory of services, including features, tools, and features accessible.

On first inspection, the website will appear similar to any other marketing site.

Click The “Free Trial” Option

While browsing the pages, you’ll notice the big blue icon marking the site with at least eight spots from beginning to end.

It’ll say, “Start a FREE 14-Day Test Now. Start Building Your First Funnel Right Now !”

To move on to your next stage, click on any of these buttons to get to the account set-up page.

Input All Necessary Details

The site will request your email address and business or home address.

Input Payment Details

Then, at the bottom of the personal information page on the site, you will be asked to know your credit card number, along with the expiration date. Also, you can utilize a debit card as long as the bank issuing it accepts online transactions.

In the input area, an uncheck box allows you to use the trial period of 14 days for free.

Do not forget to check this box before clicking the “Start Your Free Trial” button.

Choose a Plan

The following page will require users to choose between regular and Platinum plans.

To experience every one of the services offered, it is recommended to go with the Platinum plan. If you want to cancel, you can terminate your membership by canceling it anytime.

Enter Your Dashboard and Begin The Trial

After you’ve completed all required inputs, the site will guide you to the dashboard. This is where you can access all the tools needed to build an effective funnel.

How to Use ClickFunnels For Affiliate Marketing

If you sign up for the trial version of the platinum ClickFunnels account, you can join the ranks of hundreds of entrepreneurs who make a significant profit. Follow the steps below to begin the process:

Choose a Product

On ClickFunnels’ Affiliate Dashboard, affiliate-related products are available for advertising. First, pick an item that has sparked your curiosity since it is much simpler to market.

If you require a suggestion for your website, free product education programs will have a better chance of converting website visitors into customers.

The free training programs allow users to experience services or products before purchasing.

A general rule is to keep track of the email addresses of all visitors and occasionally send them email messages to keep them interested.

Create a Funnel

When choosing the product you want to use, construct your funnel using your ClickFunnel Dashboard.

Ensure that your funnel is limited to two pages leading to the sales page. The funnel should have an opt-in page, squeeze page, or landing page, as well as an exit or thank you page.

Using these two websites gives you a better chance of selling your affiliate item.

Click “Create a New Funnel” to begin from scratch, or click “Start Cookbook” to choose among 22 funnel templates.

Link the Pages

When you’ve created your thank you and landing pages, connect both. Copy the URL thank-you page in the appropriate field for the landing pages in the editor.

Generate Traffic

Even with landing pages and thank you pages, Your funnel may still need to be fully developed. Naturally, the pages would have no value without the flow of traffic through these pages.

The most effective method of generating visitors to fill your funnel is to begin with an email-based campaign.

An effective email marketing campaign requires making a list, writing emails, and establishing an automated process.

Mailing List

The list you create must consist of emails from prospective customers. Create your list of mailing addresses from the starting point, but ensure that all emails you include are legitimate.

Email Drafts

After you’ve compiled an extensive mailing list, you must have at least two kinds of mailers for these.

The first one is sent to the email addresses of each user who has opted into this landing page. In contrast, the second email serves as a retargeting tool.

The message is sent to the email address of a person who reads the email but fails to click on the link.

Although ClickFunnels has a range of templates for email it is possible to modify these templates to create a more customized version.


If your mailing list grows bigger, sending emails without automation is highly practical, and sometimes, it’s impossible. If you need an email automation program that integrates effectively with ClickFunnels, look at the GetResponse software.

The software allows you to set automated mail delivery in accordance with your preferences.

Through these instruments, you can set the period when an email is pushed to your email list.

Keep Your Funnel Up-To-Date

All you need is the product, funnel and a few visitors. But it’s ideal to ensure that your landing page and thank-you pages are updated and relevant to the products you want to sell.

By doing this, you can ensure that your ads are correct in information and that the people who are looking at your ads have the correct merchandise.

Free Affiliate Marketing Using ClickFunnels

If you’re not looking to pay for ClickFunnels Plans but still want to market affiliate products, You can join as a ClickFunnels affiliate.

Instead of using the platform to upsell others’ products or services, you can also sell your products and services using the ClickFunnels platform. You’ll need an email address and knowledge of driving visitors to your ads.

As ClickFunnels is an excellent company, that’s why there shouldn’t be issues advertising the platform. ClickFunnels Affiliate Program ClickFunnels Affiliate Program gives you as much as 40 per cent compensation for referrals made towards the site.

Generating Income Through ClickFunnels

Creating successful affiliate funnels is more complex than some programs make you believe, as it involves much testing and figuring out the best strategy for execution. However, there’s a good thing: there is no need to devote long hours learning to use ClickFunnels to market affiliate products.